Pitsidia Crete
The village of Pitsidia is located about 70 km south of Heraklion with an estimated population of about 700. It belongs to the same municipality as Matala.
At an altitude of 80 m and only 1 km away from Kommo beach, the village enjoys one of the area's best climates.
The village has hospitality rooted in its tradition since it was the first village in the area to develop its tourism, making it one of the most sought out destinations, especially by families.
With its clean, well-looked after lodgings and family taverns, Pitsidia have kept its visitors' life quality at a high level.
After all, it is not by chance that 3 generations of families have been visiting and eventually buying plots of land on which to build their own houses in Pitsidia.
In addition to the above its easy access to other locations has helped mark it as an ideal holiday destination for foreigners and Greeks alike.